WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:02.260 --> 00:00:14.960 [Music] 00:00:15.000 --> 00:00:19.360 I'm Dr. Taffey Cunnien and I am the Assistant Dean/ Director 00:00:19.369 --> 00:00:25.239 of the Office of Disability Services at the Georgia Institute of Technology. 00:00:25.239 --> 00:00:29.859 I'm contacted one or two times a week by industry professionals 00:00:29.859 --> 00:00:33.040 that are interested in hiring students with disabilities, 00:00:33.040 --> 00:00:38.579 interested in offering internships to students with disabilities. 00:00:38.580 --> 00:00:44.260 There's so much opportunity out there for our students with disabilities 00:00:44.780 --> 00:00:48.520 to gain experience within the computing field. 00:00:48.700 --> 00:00:50.400 I'm Tami Tidwell 00:00:50.400 --> 00:00:52.840 and I work here at DO-IT as a program coordinator. 00:00:52.850 --> 00:00:56.940 Job fairs are overwhelming opportunities for anyone. 00:00:56.940 --> 00:01:01.960 So it’s great when students take the opportunity to prepare ahead of time. 00:01:01.960 --> 00:01:06.900 The job search for students with disabilities is very similar to a standard job search. 00:01:06.900 --> 00:01:09.560 The only difference is that a student with disabilities 00:01:09.560 --> 00:01:13.850 needs to consider whether or not they need a disclosure strategy. 00:01:13.850 --> 00:01:18.000 So if, when, how and to whom they would like to disclose. 00:01:23.960 --> 00:01:26.840 So if you have a visible disability, 00:01:26.840 --> 00:01:31.439 so if someone is going to meet you and see that you have a disability, 00:01:31.439 --> 00:01:36.770 many students decide to disclose before they meet that person face to face. 00:01:36.770 --> 00:01:41.649 I'm Cindy and I’m a third year PhD student 00:01:41.649 --> 00:01:44.409 in the Department of Human Centered Design and Engineering 00:01:44.409 --> 00:01:46.270 at the University of Washington. 00:01:46.270 --> 00:01:48.560 I'm totally blind. 00:01:48.560 --> 00:01:52.950 If I get connected with an opportunity 00:01:52.950 --> 00:01:57.700 based on a personal networking connection 00:01:57.700 --> 00:02:03.079 I don't hide anything because likely they already know 00:02:03.079 --> 00:02:06.689 because they've met me or their colleague met me. 00:02:06.689 --> 00:02:13.569 So I don't make it a point to say, “Oh by the way, I am blind,” 00:02:13.569 --> 00:02:15.620 but I'm might make it a point to say, 00:02:15.620 --> 00:02:20.880 “If you're going to need me to use a computer during the interview 00:02:20.880 --> 00:02:24.780 I will need a computer with a screen reader 00:02:24.780 --> 00:02:31.660 and if you're going to need me to maybe write on a whiteboard 00:02:31.660 --> 00:02:37.750 I would prefer to instead type on a computer so that’s accessible for me.” 00:02:37.750 --> 00:02:40.390 Hi I’m K. 00:02:40.390 --> 00:02:43.900 Because my disability is a very obvious physical disability, 00:02:43.900 --> 00:02:46.730 I usually try to disclose as early as possible 00:02:46.730 --> 00:02:49.370 so I’m not shocking whoever I’m going to be 00:02:49.370 --> 00:02:51.090 interviewing with or meeting with in person, 00:02:51.090 --> 00:02:55.720 so I try to get it on the table pretty early. 00:02:55.720 --> 00:02:58.580 If I hadn’t already disclosed up to the point when 00:02:58.580 --> 00:03:02.070 I get called for an interview, I definitely want to let them know 00:03:02.070 --> 00:03:05.260 that I need an interview location that is wheelchair accessible. 00:03:05.260 --> 00:03:07.490 I’m Richard Ladner, 00:03:07.490 --> 00:03:11.550 professor in Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington. 00:03:11.550 --> 00:03:17.460 If you're deaf and you use sign language interpreters or captioning, 00:03:17.460 --> 00:03:19.570 you might have to disclose fairly early 00:03:19.570 --> 00:03:22.580 because, you know, you show up and there's no interpreter, 00:03:22.580 --> 00:03:24.650 you can't even have your interview. 00:03:24.650 --> 00:03:27.950 Or if you make a phone call and have a phone interview 00:03:27.950 --> 00:03:30.460 you might do it through video relay service 00:03:30.460 --> 00:03:35.590 and you’re a male that’s applying and the video relay operator is female, 00:03:35.590 --> 00:03:38.120 then people can be confused. 00:03:38.120 --> 00:03:44.040 So, and also there’s some little delays because the interpretation has delays 00:03:44.040 --> 00:03:47.370 so having that phone interview if you're deaf is going to be very different. 00:03:47.370 --> 00:03:49.980 So disclosing probably is a good idea. 00:03:49.980 --> 00:03:54.510 Someone with an invisible disability may decide not to disclose 00:03:54.510 --> 00:03:57.510 until after they’ve received a job offer. 00:03:57.510 --> 00:03:59.740 My name is Matt May. 00:03:59.740 --> 00:04:03.960 I’m the senior program manager for accessibility at Adobe. 00:04:03.960 --> 00:04:08.590 In my case it was my first, it was immediately after I accepted the offer, 00:04:08.590 --> 00:04:14.680 I said, “I'm going to be working at the time on standards for accessibility. 00:04:14.680 --> 00:04:17.009 I'm going to be reading a lot of material, 00:04:17.009 --> 00:04:21.400 I need the ability to sit in a quiet room. 00:04:21.400 --> 00:04:24.620 I can't sit in cubicles with lots of noise happening. 00:04:24.620 --> 00:04:28.370 I won't be able to actually focus on this material." 00:04:28.370 --> 00:04:35.949 So I had a specific need that was related to how I related to the business 00:04:35.949 --> 00:04:38.629 and I had a simple accommodation. 00:04:38.629 --> 00:04:42.620 Give me a place that I can work in quiet. 00:04:42.620 --> 00:04:48.080 If it won't impact their job performance at all 00:04:48.080 --> 00:04:54.060 because they've chosen a job that suits their disability very well, 00:04:54.060 --> 00:04:58.199 then they may decide not to disclose even when they're hired. 00:04:58.199 --> 00:05:02.569 Another consideration is the company and its culture. 00:05:02.569 --> 00:05:08.120 Microsoft has a specific program that they are launching 00:05:08.120 --> 00:05:12.449 looking for people with autism, on the autistic spectrum. 00:05:12.449 --> 00:05:15.620 And so obviously they are looking for this particular population. 00:05:15.620 --> 00:05:21.240 That would be an absolute appropriate time to disclose. 00:05:21.240 --> 00:05:24.699 Doing some research on the culture of the company, 00:05:24.699 --> 00:05:27.490 doing some research on 00:05:27.490 --> 00:05:30.719 what are the attitudes around disability in that company? 00:05:30.719 --> 00:05:32.900 Is this going to be a place where they will want to work 00:05:32.900 --> 00:05:35.229 as a person with a disability? 00:05:35.229 --> 00:05:38.949 And understanding when it is time to disclose, how to frame it, right? 00:05:38.949 --> 00:05:41.409 Like what are you going to bring to the company 00:05:41.409 --> 00:05:43.630 as what unique perspectives? 00:05:43.630 --> 00:05:46.159 What are the gains from the company? 00:05:46.159 --> 00:05:50.000 What are the gains the company will have by having you on their team?