WEBVTT Kind: captions Language: en 00:00:01.600 --> 00:00:03.780 It's been going on for generations: 00:00:03.780 --> 00:00:06.980 teachers and students communicating long distance. 00:00:06.980 --> 00:00:11.840 From mailboxes to Macs, it's a time-honored way of connecting. 00:00:19.660 --> 00:00:21.420 I really like online courses 00:00:21.420 --> 00:00:24.460 because I can go at my own pace in a quiet environment 00:00:24.460 --> 00:00:25.550 outside of school. 00:00:25.550 --> 00:00:28.110 I've taken a couple of language classes, 00:00:28.110 --> 00:00:33.040 an anatomy class, another language class, 00:00:33.040 --> 00:00:34.730 an art history class. 00:00:34.730 --> 00:00:36.830 If you already know something 00:00:36.830 --> 00:00:40.630 you don't have to go over it again and again 00:00:40.630 --> 00:00:42.679 and you can just do the homework really quickly. 00:00:42.679 --> 00:00:43.470 There's less of it. 00:00:43.470 --> 00:00:46.400 It's helpful for me because I have a learning disability 00:00:46.400 --> 00:00:48.980 so like you don't have to go super fast. 00:00:48.980 --> 00:00:53.280 It's all at your own pace so you can learn at the speed of others. 00:00:53.280 --> 00:00:56.100 Distance learning allows students 00:00:56.100 --> 00:01:00.180 to do other things like summer camp or a vacation with the family. 00:01:00.180 --> 00:01:01.860 And that's the beauty of distance learning. 00:01:01.870 --> 00:01:04.690 It makes educational opportunities available 00:01:04.690 --> 00:01:08.571 anywhere, anytime to anyone. 00:01:08.571 --> 00:01:10.320 With distance learning classes, 00:01:10.320 --> 00:01:14.980 I'd be able to go to work and still earn credits at school, 00:01:14.980 --> 00:01:16.920 and do my work on my own time. 00:01:16.920 --> 00:01:19.420 If I could work from home, that'd be a lot easier. 00:01:19.420 --> 00:01:21.960 The point of distance learning 00:01:21.960 --> 00:01:24.550 is to give access to more students, 00:01:24.550 --> 00:01:28.350 which has always included those with time or distance limitations. 00:01:28.350 --> 00:01:30.650 For people with disabilities, 00:01:30.650 --> 00:01:32.910 the way that information and content is delivered 00:01:32.910 --> 00:01:34.930 is critical to success. 00:01:35.620 --> 00:01:39.000 Distance learning actually utilizes various modes of delivery, 00:01:39.040 --> 00:01:40.780 and each one of those modes 00:01:40.780 --> 00:01:44.060 needs to be accessible for students with a variety of disabilities. 00:01:44.060 --> 00:01:47.820 That goes for instructors with disabilities, too. 00:01:47.820 --> 00:01:50.520 Making a course accessible to qualified individuals 00:01:50.520 --> 00:01:53.476 is required by the Americans with Disabilities Act. 00:01:57.370 --> 00:02:00.600 Now, let's look at a typical, real-life situation. 00:02:00.600 --> 00:02:02.780 This is Cliff, a young man signed up 00:02:02.780 --> 00:02:04.700 for a distance learning class. 00:02:04.700 --> 00:02:07.330 This is his instructor, Sheryl. 00:02:07.330 --> 00:02:09.699 She's planning the resources for her class, 00:02:09.699 --> 00:02:12.860 including a Web site, class discussions using email, 00:02:12.860 --> 00:02:15.990 some printed information, and a little video as well. 00:02:15.990 --> 00:02:19.880 What she doesn't know is that Cliff is blind. 00:02:19.880 --> 00:02:21.200 He's blind? 00:02:21.200 --> 00:02:23.120 Yep. 00:02:24.760 --> 00:02:26.560 What instructors need to think about ahead of time 00:02:26.570 --> 00:02:28.560 is universal design. 00:02:28.560 --> 00:02:30.660 And they need to think about that while they're planning 00:02:30.660 --> 00:02:32.680 their course, so that they're ready for students 00:02:32.680 --> 00:02:35.050 who may arrive with a variety of disabilities. 00:02:35.050 --> 00:02:38.650 And it's a lot easier to do that during the planning stage, 00:02:38.650 --> 00:02:41.260 rather than waiting til a student with a disability 00:02:41.270 --> 00:02:42.870 shows up at your class. 00:02:42.870 --> 00:02:45.450 For Cliff, there are a number of challenges 00:02:45.450 --> 00:02:47.370 in accessing Sheryl's course. 00:02:47.370 --> 00:02:49.110 I can't read standard print; 00:02:49.110 --> 00:02:53.600 I can't see graphics on a Web site; and, sometimes on video, 00:02:53.600 --> 00:02:57.780 it's hard to understand exactly what's going on if it's very visual. 00:02:58.060 --> 00:03:00.740 Other students may have disabilities 00:03:00.740 --> 00:03:04.210 such as mobility impairments, learning disabilities, 00:03:04.210 --> 00:03:06.222 hearing impairments, or speech impairments. 00:03:06.222 --> 00:03:13.880 I will have a note taker. 00:03:13.880 --> 00:03:15.160 People with disabilities 00:03:15.170 --> 00:03:18.700 may use specialized hardware and software for their computers, 00:03:18.700 --> 00:03:21.560 such as screen readers, alternative keyboards, 00:03:21.560 --> 00:03:23.140 and speech input. 00:03:23.140 --> 00:03:25.600 But even with this adaptive technology, 00:03:25.600 --> 00:03:28.260 accessing course materials can be difficult. 00:03:28.260 --> 00:03:30.740 When you're developing a distance learning course, 00:03:30.740 --> 00:03:33.650 you're trying to make all the activities and all the course content 00:03:33.650 --> 00:03:37.060 accessible to a student with disabilities. 00:03:37.060 --> 00:03:38.825 And when you do that type of planning, 00:03:38.825 --> 00:03:42.405 you're not only making it accessible for the student with a disability, 00:03:42.405 --> 00:03:45.600 but you're actually making it more accessible for all the students. 00:03:45.600 --> 00:03:46.660 Okay. 00:03:46.660 --> 00:03:49.140 Back to Cliff and Sheryl. 00:03:49.140 --> 00:03:51.555 They're going to help us walk you through some strategies 00:03:51.555 --> 00:03:53.695 for accessibility. 00:03:57.680 --> 00:03:59.620 For students with visual impairments 00:03:59.620 --> 00:04:01.380 or with specific learning disabilities, 00:04:01.380 --> 00:04:03.140 standard print just doesn't work. 00:04:03.150 --> 00:04:05.320 I can't read it, okay? 00:04:05.320 --> 00:04:07.160 Print can be converted 00:04:07.160 --> 00:04:09.680 into Braille, large print, or electronic formats. 00:04:09.680 --> 00:04:11.820 Electronic format works best for me, 00:04:11.820 --> 00:04:15.500 because with my screen reading software, I'm ready to go. 00:04:15.500 --> 00:04:17.520 00:04:17.520 --> 00:04:18.300 Screen reading software 00:04:18.300 --> 00:04:21.120 reads aloud text that appears on the screen, 00:04:21.120 --> 00:04:23.480 such as in email or on a Web page. 00:04:23.480 --> 00:04:25.930 Electronic access also works very well 00:04:25.930 --> 00:04:28.510 for people whose learning disabilities make it difficult 00:04:28.510 --> 00:04:30.310 for them to read. 00:04:34.960 --> 00:04:37.120 Welcome to our first class discussion. 00:04:37.130 --> 00:04:39.920 To get started, I'd like each of you to send 00:04:39.920 --> 00:04:41.230 a bio to the whole group. 00:04:41.230 --> 00:04:42.840 Many email applications 00:04:42.840 --> 00:04:45.400 are fully accessible to people with disabilities, 00:04:45.400 --> 00:04:48.770 so email is an accessible choice for delivering a syllabus 00:04:48.770 --> 00:04:50.410 or other course materials. 00:04:50.410 --> 00:04:54.134 Students can use email to turn in their assignments and tests as well. 00:04:54.134 --> 00:04:57.674 Email works great because, if you have a disability, 00:04:57.680 --> 00:05:01.540 you already have the technology to access the information 00:05:01.540 --> 00:05:03.680 so the teacher doesn't have to change anything. 00:05:10.100 --> 00:05:11.760 In some courses, 00:05:11.760 --> 00:05:14.250 participants might be required to communicate electronically 00:05:14.250 --> 00:05:15.550 at the same time. 00:05:15.550 --> 00:05:18.240 Although this works for Cliff, real-time chatting 00:05:18.240 --> 00:05:21.860 can present access challenges for many screen reader users. 00:05:21.860 --> 00:05:24.570 Or, someone with a learning disability, 00:05:24.570 --> 00:05:26.900 who takes a long time to compose his thoughts, 00:05:26.900 --> 00:05:29.260 might not be able to participate fully. 00:05:29.260 --> 00:05:31.060 This would also be true for someone 00:05:31.060 --> 00:05:32.484 whose input method is slow. 00:05:32.484 --> 00:05:36.420 If you're planning to use synchronous communication online, 00:05:36.420 --> 00:05:37.800 where people are talking live, 00:05:37.800 --> 00:05:39.100 you might need to make it optional; 00:05:39.110 --> 00:05:43.160 or you could offer an equivalent, alternative assignment 00:05:43.160 --> 00:05:44.580 for the student with a disability. 00:05:49.840 --> 00:05:52.420 Web pages work well, as long as the designer 00:05:52.430 --> 00:05:54.420 thinks about how I can read it. 00:05:54.420 --> 00:05:57.990 For instance, my screen reader can't read graphics. 00:05:57.990 --> 00:06:01.800 Web pages should conform to accessibility standards, 00:06:01.800 --> 00:06:05.740 such as the W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 00:06:05.750 --> 00:06:09.830 For example, images should include alternate text for screen-reader users. 00:06:09.830 --> 00:06:11.160 Tab. 00:06:11.160 --> 00:06:13.210 A Researcher reaches into a sealed box 00:06:13.210 --> 00:06:15.470 to manipulate a small square of solar cells. 00:06:15.470 --> 00:06:18.820 And make sure all features accessible by a mouse 00:06:18.820 --> 00:06:20.610 also work without a mouse. 00:06:20.610 --> 00:06:22.560 Test this by navigating through a Web page 00:06:22.560 --> 00:06:24.560 using only a keyboard. 00:06:24.560 --> 00:06:27.090 If a test fails to access the material 00:06:27.090 --> 00:06:29.020 that you need for content, 00:06:29.020 --> 00:06:30.940 then you need to rethink your design. 00:06:31.860 --> 00:06:35.120 Keep page layouts simple, clear, and consistent. 00:06:35.120 --> 00:06:37.470 This will help students with low vision 00:06:37.470 --> 00:06:38.740 or learning disabilities. 00:06:38.740 --> 00:06:41.900 Use HTML headings to clearly communicate 00:06:41.900 --> 00:06:45.440 the structure of the page and use navigation choices that 00:06:45.440 --> 00:06:47.360 do not rely on color alone, 00:06:47.360 --> 00:06:50.260 since some students may be unable to perceive color. 00:06:56.520 --> 00:06:59.140 Learning Management Systems, or LMS, 00:06:59.150 --> 00:07:03.560 are software applications often used to deliver courses online. 00:07:03.560 --> 00:07:05.950 Most are Web-based, 00:07:05.950 --> 00:07:09.270 so are subject to the same accessibility issues as other Web sites. 00:07:09.270 --> 00:07:12.480 Even if a Learning Management System is accessible, 00:07:12.480 --> 00:07:15.860 an online course using it can still be inaccessible 00:07:15.860 --> 00:07:19.620 if the instructor fails to use accessible course materials. 00:07:28.380 --> 00:07:30.860 DVD, televised, or online videos 00:07:30.870 --> 00:07:33.830 may be included in distance learning courses. 00:07:33.830 --> 00:07:35.640 Video's okay sometimes. 00:07:35.640 --> 00:07:39.540 I can usually understand what they're, what's going on, just by listening. 00:07:39.550 --> 00:07:41.970 But depending on if they're demonstrating something, 00:07:41.970 --> 00:07:45.119 or if it's too visual, I may not quite grasp the whole idea. 00:07:45.120 --> 00:07:46.910 On the computer chalkboard, 00:07:46.910 --> 00:07:48.610 happy faces dot the screen. 00:07:48.610 --> 00:07:50.080 A separate audio track 00:07:50.080 --> 00:07:52.510 to describe actions or graphics works well 00:07:52.510 --> 00:07:54.490 for people with visual impairments. 00:07:54.490 --> 00:07:57.480 Captioning makes audio content accessible for people 00:07:57.480 --> 00:07:58.790 with hearing impairments. 00:07:58.790 --> 00:08:01.280 The cheapest and easiest solution 00:08:01.280 --> 00:08:03.890 is to find video that already has captioning 00:08:03.890 --> 00:08:05.790 or audio description. 00:08:05.790 --> 00:08:08.040 But sometimes that's not possible, 00:08:08.040 --> 00:08:10.060 and you have to make your own adjustments. 00:08:10.060 --> 00:08:11.870 Text transcripts for videos 00:08:11.870 --> 00:08:14.660 can be read by a screen reader using a Braille display 00:08:14.660 --> 00:08:16.650 for people who are deaf-blind. 00:08:16.650 --> 00:08:19.210 Transcripts also provide access for people 00:08:19.210 --> 00:08:21.050 who have technical limitations. 00:08:21.050 --> 00:08:24.290 A-M-U-N 00:08:24.290 --> 00:08:28.000 And for any user, text-based captions 00:08:28.000 --> 00:08:30.900 make it easy to locate specific information at a later time. 00:08:34.760 --> 00:08:37.120 Teleconferencing puts together small groups of people 00:08:37.120 --> 00:08:39.610 to work with an instructor who's somewhere else. 00:08:39.610 --> 00:08:43.190 They can use video or, possibly, audio only. 00:08:43.190 --> 00:08:45.920 The problem with this, is that it's a scheduling problem 00:08:45.920 --> 00:08:46.500 for everyone. 00:08:46.500 --> 00:08:48.775 A lot of people take distance learning classes 00:08:48.775 --> 00:08:50.150 because their schedules are tight 00:08:50.150 --> 00:08:51.930 or they already have conflicts. 00:08:51.930 --> 00:08:55.590 Another issue is accessibility for a student who may be deaf 00:08:55.590 --> 00:08:58.180 or has a speech impairment. 00:09:02.180 --> 00:09:03.480 Another question from Matthew. 00:09:03.490 --> 00:09:05.910 He wants to know what should I look for in regards 00:09:05.910 --> 00:09:08.100 to accessibility resources? 00:09:08.100 --> 00:09:09.580 Web conferencing incorporates 00:09:09.580 --> 00:09:12.670 live interaction and data sharing over the Internet. 00:09:12.670 --> 00:09:16.430 It might include a video or audio chat; a text chat; 00:09:16.430 --> 00:09:18.780 a slide show, or a whiteboard. 00:09:18.780 --> 00:09:23.170 Here we have a building with lots of steps 00:09:23.170 --> 00:09:25.440 and we want to somehow get in to this building. 00:09:25.440 --> 00:09:27.690 When purchasing or subscribing to a Web 00:09:27.690 --> 00:09:31.190 conferencing system, many of the Web and video accessibility 00:09:31.190 --> 00:09:35.010 questions apply, such as whether the system supports captioning, 00:09:35.010 --> 00:09:38.450 screen readers, and keyboard navigation. 00:09:44.580 --> 00:09:48.000 Electronic documents can present accessibility challenges 00:09:48.000 --> 00:09:49.440 similar to those of Web pages. 00:09:49.450 --> 00:09:53.260 For example, images require alternate text, 00:09:53.260 --> 00:09:55.520 and HTML headings and sub-headings 00:09:55.520 --> 00:09:57.580 need to be marked up as such. 00:10:03.460 --> 00:10:06.600 On-site instruction that's part of a distance learning course 00:10:06.600 --> 00:10:08.280 is similar to teleconferencing, 00:10:08.290 --> 00:10:11.390 in that it requires students to meet at a shared location. 00:10:11.390 --> 00:10:13.670 Some of the same difficulties apply. 00:10:13.670 --> 00:10:16.860 If you do use this option, however, be sure the facility 00:10:16.860 --> 00:10:18.650 is wheelchair accessible. 00:10:18.650 --> 00:10:22.030 Consider class space, restrooms, and parking. 00:10:22.030 --> 00:10:25.320 The instructor needs to speak clearly, facing the class, 00:10:25.320 --> 00:10:26.750 for those who lip read. 00:10:26.750 --> 00:10:29.940 An interpreter must be provided for students who are deaf. 00:10:29.940 --> 00:10:32.210 And if any visual materials are used, 00:10:32.210 --> 00:10:34.180 the instructor should describe them aloud 00:10:34.180 --> 00:10:36.420 for students with visual impairments. 00:10:41.140 --> 00:10:43.040 The important thing in making your distance 00:10:43.040 --> 00:10:46.160 learning course accessible is to be proactive. 00:10:46.160 --> 00:10:50.520 Don't wait until someone with a disability enrolls to figure it out; 00:10:50.520 --> 00:10:54.100 consider accessibility issues from the start. 00:10:54.100 --> 00:10:56.100 Here are some guidelines to keep in mind. 00:10:56.100 --> 00:10:58.100 Think about the wide range of abilities and disabilities 00:10:58.100 --> 00:11:00.100 potential students might have. 00:11:04.240 --> 00:11:07.260 In promotional publications, include information on 00:11:07.260 --> 00:11:09.560 how to request accommodations 00:11:09.560 --> 00:11:12.240 and publications in alternative formats. 00:11:13.960 --> 00:11:16.680 When procuring distance learning technologies, 00:11:16.680 --> 00:11:18.680 ask vendors specific questions about the accessibility 00:11:18.680 --> 00:11:21.340 of their products or services. 00:11:23.580 --> 00:11:27.980 Make sure media can be accessed using sight or hearing alone. 00:11:29.660 --> 00:11:33.540 Arrange accessible facilities for any on-site instruction. 00:11:35.340 --> 00:11:39.380 Be prepared to offer additional accommodations as requested. 00:11:41.170 --> 00:11:43.240 By applying universal design, 00:11:43.240 --> 00:11:44.680 your distance learning class will 00:11:44.680 --> 00:11:47.080 be accessible to any student who enrolls 00:11:47.080 --> 00:11:49.940 and any instructor who is hired to teach it. 00:11:49.940 --> 00:11:53.270 It's the right thing to do, reduces legal risk, 00:11:53.270 --> 00:11:56.500 and creates a better learning environment for everyone. 00:11:56.500 --> 00:11:59.820 Distance learning is a good option for a lot of people. 00:11:59.830 --> 00:12:03.440 Classes can be made accessible and should be made accessible. 00:12:03.440 --> 00:12:05.480 It's not that hard to do.