WEBVTT 00:00:01.513 --> 00:00:02.973 The Seattle skyline. 00:00:06.272 --> 00:00:08.662 The University of Washington campus. 00:00:15.941 --> 00:00:17.831 A student uses a power chair. 00:00:18.076 --> 00:00:20.276 More students, some also in chairs. 00:00:22.667 --> 00:00:23.777 Students sign. 00:00:26.149 --> 00:00:28.129 Students in a large lecture hall. 00:00:28.369 --> 00:00:32.229 A seated man with two prosthetic hooks greets and hugs a student. 00:02:26.005 --> 00:02:29.135 The speakers remarks are captioned on a large screen. 00:02:29.917 --> 00:02:32.857 A sign interpreter stands to the left of the podium. 00:02:32.990 --> 00:02:35.840 John walks haltingly to Sheryl, they shake hands. 00:02:41.658 --> 00:02:43.428 John Kemp, Viscardi Center