ABLE Accounts

Although Congress passed the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience (ABLE) Act in 2014, there are still many questions surrounding this program as it is established in each state. The ABLE National Resource Center, founded and managed by National Disability Institute, brings together investment, support, and resources from national disability organizations with the goal of providing consistent, reliable information concerning ABLE Accounts.
ABLE Accounts are tax-advantaged savings accounts that allow individuals with disabilities and their families to save money while still receiving public benefits. With a number of recent changes to the ABLE Act, the ABLE National Resource Center is the first place to look for up-to-date information. It offers simple explanations, videos, and webinars to make the information easy to understand. They provide reliable information to learn more about ABLE Accounts. Check out their resource ABLE Accounts: 10 Things You Should Know for a good starting point.
DO-IT thanks 2014 Scholar parent Jim Dunlap for initially bringing this program to our attention.