Monday, August 11, 1997 - 07:30
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Breakfast (HUB Husky Den)
Open Computer Lab (HUB 106B)
It's the Image That Counts! (HUB 106B), Steve Tanimoto, U.W. Computer Science Professor
Phase II Workshops:
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
It's the Image That Counts!, cont. (HUB 106B)
Lunch (HUB Husky Den)
Then, choose:
What is YOUR Learning Style??? (HUB 200B) Tanya Sorenson, Director, Learning Styles Project, Columbia Basin College
Snack Break (HUB Husky Den)
Planning For College (HUB 200B), Kathy Cook, Counselor, U.W. Disabled Student Services
Phase II: Resume Writing (HUB 106B)
Dinner (McMahon Residence Hall Cafeteria)
Activity Options (Meet in HUB 106B):
McCarty Dorm Activity Options:
All Scholars must be in their rooms at McCarty Residence Hall.