My name is Jessie and I'm a student at the University of Washington, where I am pursuing a degree in engineering. I am also passionate about classical dance and have continued my training throughout college as a double major. This academic combination satisfies both my artistic and scientific urges. I have been very fortunate to work on campus in the Human Interface Technology lab (HITL or Virtual Reality Lab), beginning in my senior year of high school. I have Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). Dyslexia slows my reading speed down and makes writing difficult. My philosophy has been to not allow my disability to hold me down and, instead, focus on finding alternative methods for learning and compensating in other areas. I use computers every day for school. I use Dragon Dictates™ software to expedite my writing and books on tape to increase my reading speed. Running helps me reduce stress. DO-IT has helped me gain confidence and achieve many of my goals. This summer, I worked in Washington, D.C. as the Microsoft-AAPD Federal IT intern at the Department of Education. I worked in the Office of the Chief Information Officer with the technology team. I was an Intern in Summer Study '01.