The materials in this packet can be used to deliver presentations to students with disabilities, career development staff, educators, employers, and other professionals. Determine the purpose of your program based on the needs of your students or employees, career center, cooperative education program, or business. A presentation can help your audience:
You may alter presentations to meet the content and scheduling needs of your audience. Simply play one of the videotape presentations and distribute related handouts for a 15-20 minute presentation during a meeting. Or, use a combination of the materials provided to deliver a full-day workshop.
In this section is a sample presentation outline for each of three key audiences -- students with disabilities, career development professionals, and employers.
When publicizing your presentation, be sure to include a statement in flyers and other presentation announcements that tells how participants can request accommodations. Provide a contact name, telephone number, and electronic mail address. Provide materials in alternative formats when requested.
A sample statement follows.
"People with disabilities are encouraged to attend. To request materials in alternative formats or to request other accommodations, please contact [name], [address], [phone number], [TTY number], [e-mail address]."