Hi, my name is Kim. I graduated from Everett Community College with with a degree in humanities. I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Hi, my name is Kim. I graduated from Everett Community College with with a degree in humanities. I have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Hello, my name is Tess. I live in Seattle and have dysgraphia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. I am interested in a career that involves my creativity, such as design, communications, or psychology. I attend Gonzaga University. I train dogs for Guide Dogs for the Blind.
Hi, I’m Paige. I live in Bothell, and I graduated from high school in 2013. I currently attend Bellevue College and will graduate with an associates degree in December. Then I plan on transferring to Central Washington University in Lynnwood, on the Edmonds Community College campus, to finish my bachelor’s in accounting. I love to swim, camp, go to the movies, and explore new places.
Hi, my name is Jae. I’m completing my associate of arts transfer degree at Bellevue College. I enjoy writing because it helps me to express what I am thinking and feeling, since I can’t speak verbally. My favorite subject is sociology because I can learn what influences our lives. I would like to be a transition specialist because I want to create paths for disabled students and help them to be successful in their learning. I have cerebral palsy. I will start at the University of Washington in Seattle in the fall.
Hello, my name is Diego, and I have a learning disability. I attended Edmonds Community College for about a year. For the past three years I have worked at Winco Foods. This year, I got promoted to Lead Clerk. I’m the second youngest employee in that position. A little known fact about me is that I enjoy playing sports. The main sport I like to play is soccer. I’m currently playing with my cousin’s team on Wednesday nights. I know when people look at me they think I’m a serious guy, but honestly I’m very nice and sometimes funny. I’m just too shy when it comes to meeting new people.
Hi, my name is Cecily. I attend Spokane Community College. I would like to be a high school counselor, pharmacist, or psychologist. I enjoy watching movies and hanging out with friends. I have arthrogryposis and can’t use my hands so I use my feet for everything.
Hi, I’m Mauricio. I graduated from Highline High School, where my favorite subjects were math, science, and history. I am interested in the night skies and helping people. I am considering a career as a police officer or a chemical engineer. I like to play soccer and lift weights. I have a visual impairment and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
My name is Joshua. I’m interested in history, literature, philosophy, political science, and languages. I’m a social justice advocate trying to affect change in the fields of disability rights, police reform, and politics in general. I’m also an amateur photographer. I am currently studying political science at the University of Washington.
Hi, my name is Deicy, and I have spina bifida. I graduated from Eastmont High School. I volunteer with United Way. In my spare time, I like to play basketball and volleyball, bowl, write, and draw; these activities help me get my frustrations out in a positive way. I love hanging out with my youth group at church.
Hi, my name is Emily, and I am blind. I graduated from Curtis Senior High School, where I was a member of the National Honor Society. I attend Gonzaga University where I study engineering management with a focus on mechancial engineering. I hope to work as a mechanical engineer and develop new ways for people with visual impairments and other disabilities to be able to work out in a gym with minimal adaptations on the part of the user.
Hi, my name is Erika, and I am Deaf. I attend the University of Washington. I am majoring in English with the aspiration of being in the human resources field. I enjoy reading, traveling, and photography. I am a volunteer at Seattle Children’s Hospital as well as a student assistant in the DO-IT office. I am on the Student Advisory Council for the US Business Leadership Network (USBLN). I studied abroad this summer in London! I love talking to people so don’t be afraid to talk to me, I don’t bite! :)
Hi, my name is Sean. I attended Bellevue College and now go to Arizona State through their online program. I enjoy studying math and chemistry. In high school I lettered in basketball, baseball, and football as the team manager. Which sport is my favorite? They all are—for different reasons! I am an avid cook and enjoy reality TV and movies.
Hi, my name is Macy, and last year I graduated from the University of Washington (UW) with a bachelor’s degree in psychology. I have since returned to UW to work on a masters of social work. I have cerebral palsy, and although it limits me physically, I like to think that it has otherwise opened a lot of doors for me. I want to work with kids with disabilities, and I think at least part of that desire comes from my own experience as a person with the disability.
Hey, my name is Kaylie, and I am a pastry chef at Rylie Cakes, which is a gluten free bakery. My dream is to open my own cake business, Kakes by Kaylie. I am deaf.
My name is Jessie. I am a senior at the University of Washington. I am majoring in informatics with a minor in diversity. My interests include sign language, design, animation, and intersection of art and technology for social change. I love learning about different cultures. In 2014, I studied abroad in London for five weeks. I will study abroad again in South Korea for a month this August. I am deaf.
Hello, I’m Vaughn. I attend the University of Washington Bothell. My favorite subjects are science, history, and German. I hope to someday visit Germany and Ireland. I enjoy reading and listening to various kinds of music, including classical. I have a hearing impairment; fine motor weakness; and flat feet, which makes walking long distances difficult.