This publication shares the proceedings of the third AccessERC Capacity Building Institute (CBI) entitled Increasing the Participation of People with Disabilities in Engineering Research Centers (ERCs). The content may be useful for people who
The ultimate goal of AccessERC is to increase the participation of people of people with disabilities in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), as well as to improve these fields with their perspectives and expertise. Its objectives are (1) to make ERC activities and products welcoming to, accessible to, and usable by people with disabilities and (2) to increase the engagement of individuals with disabilities in ERCs. AccessERC staff work with ERCs across the country to reach the following objectives for ERCs and their collaborating STEM departments:
To reach its goals and objectives, AccessERC staff conducts training and community-building activities that include an online community of practice, on-site CBIs, teleconferences, and individual consultation. AccessERC provides financial support to ERCs to conduct relevant activities (e.g., travel to a disability-related conference for staff, a focus group, or a panel of students with disabilities; a guest speaker with a disability; an internship in the ERC; STEM conference attendance for a student with a disability). AccessERC staff also develop and deploy resources to help current and future ERCs work toward reaching project goals and objectives.
AccessERC is funded by the National Science Foundation as a supplement to an existing ERC, the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT), headquartered at the University of Washington in Seattle. The CNT has excelled in the ERC community at including individuals with disabilities in research, leadership, and education. The ultimate impact of AccessERC will be to increase the successful participation of people with disabilities in STEM and improve these fields with their perspectives and expertise.
The AccessERC CBI, Increasing the Participation of People with Disabilities in Engineering Research Centers, provided a forum for sharing interventions and strategies that promote the full inclusion of people with disabilities in ERCs. Attendees came from ERCs across the United States. In total, over twenty-five participants were in attendance.
At the CBI participants shared expertise, practices, suggestions for future collaborations, and funding ideas. Broad issues discussed included
In small working groups, participants responded to the following questions:
In this CBI
The CBI was comprised of presentations, panel discussions, group discussions, videos, and hand-on activities. The agenda for the CBI and summaries of the presentations are provided on the following pages.
6:30 – 8:00pm: Opening Reception & Networking
7:30 – 8:30am: Breakfast Provided by Marriott Residence Inn
8:30 – 8:40am: Arrive at CNT
8:45 – 9:15am: Welcome and Introductions (CNT)
Chet Moritz, Co-Director of CNT
Sheryl Burgstahler, Director of UW’s Accessible Tech. Services & CNT Diversity
Scott Bellman, CNT Diversity Manager, DO-IT Program Manager
9:15 – 10:00am: Accommodations and Universal Design (CNT)
Sheryl Burgstahler
10 – 10:15am: Video & Publication: Universal Design of an ERC (CNT)
10:15 – 10:45am: Access Technology Used by People with Disabilities (CNT)
Gaby de Jongh, UW Information Technology Accessibility Specialist
11 – 11:30am: Web Accessibility (CNT)
Terrill Thompson, DO-IT Technology Accessibility Specialist, UW
11:40am: Walk to Husky Union Building
12 – 1pm: Working Lunch & Report Out (HUB 334)
What strategies used to recruit/support other underrepresented groups at your ERC could be repurposed for use in recruiting and supporting people with disabilities?
1:00 – 1:20pm: CNT Promising Practices (HUB 334)
Eric Chudler, CNT Executive Director & Education Director
Scott Bellman
1:20 – 2:10pm: Student Perspectives: A Panel Presentation (HUB 334)
Tamitha Tidwell, DO-IT Project Coordinator
2:10 – 2:20pm: Video: Not Your Inspiration – Stella Young (HUB 334)
2:20 – 3pm: Disability Identity and Disability Culture (HUB 334)
Kayla Brown, UW DO-IT Program Coordinator
3:15 – 4:45pm: Film: Fixed: The Science/Fiction of Human Enhancement (HUB 334)
Tim Brown, Paul Tubig, Sara Goering, and Michelle Pham CNT Ethics Team representatives
Discussion: How do viewpoints of student panelists and individuals in the documentary Fixed affect how you communicate with, recruit, welcome and work with people with disabilities in your ERC?
4:45 – 5pm: Video: STEM and People with Disabilities (HUB 334)
6 – 7:30 pm: Dinner
Where can we link to resources from our ERC website? What are other ways we can share information at our ERC, including partner institutions?
Friday, December 8th
7:30 – 8:30am: Breakfast Provided by Marriott Residence Inn
8:50 – 9:00am: Welcome and Introduction to the Day (CNT)
9:00 – 9:05am: Video: Disability Sensitivity Training (CNT)
9:05 – 9:15am: AccessERC Products, Activities, and Initiatives (CNT)
Scott Bellman
9:15 – 11am: Conduct an Accessibility Review of an Engineering Facility
Katherine Pratt, CNT & UW BioRobotics Lab
11 – 11:30am: Action Planning Worksheet & Discussion (CNT)
Sheryl Burgstahler
11:30 – 11:40am: Final Evaluation (CNT)
11:40 – 12:30pm: Lunch (CNT)
Discussion: How can we continue to work together to promote the participation of people with disabilities in ERCs? What activities could be conducted by Student Leadership Councils? By diversity & education leaders? Others?
12:30pm: Wrap Up & Networking (CNT)
Presenter: Sheryl Burgstahler
Ability exists on a continuum, where all individuals are more or less able to see, hear, walk, read print, communicate verbally, tune out distractions, learn, or manage their health. In K-12 education in the United States, every child is ensured a free, appropriate education in as integrated of a setting as possible. However, in postsecondary education, students must meet whatever course or program requirements apply and are offered reasonable accommodations as needed.
Accommodations and universal design are two approaches to access for people with disabilities. Both strategies contribute to the success of students with disabilities. Accommodations are a reactive process and provide access for a specific student and arise from a medical model of disability. Students might be provided with extra time on tests, books in alternate formats, or sign language interpreters.
In contrast, universal design is a proactive process rooted in a social justice approach to disability and is beneficial to all students. Universal design practices can be used to create products and environments to be usable by everyone, to the greatest extent possible, without the need for adaptation or specialized design. A universal design approach can benefit people who face challenges related to socioeconomic status, race, culture, gender, age, language, or ability. Applying universal design to information technology includes building in accessibility features and also ensuring compatibility with assistive technology. In other words, a universally designed website would, for example, have text alternatives for graphics, present content via both text and visuals, include captions and transcripts for all video and audio content, ensure that all content and navigation can be reached with the keyboard alone, and spell out acronyms.
Universal design of instruction results from an attitude that values diversity, equity, and inclusion. It can be implemented incrementally, focuses on benefits to all students, promotes good teaching practice, does not lower academic standards, and minimizes the need for accommodations. Universal design can be applied to all aspects of instruction, including class climate, interactions, physical environments and products, delivery methods, information resources and technology, feedback, and assessment. Examples include the following:
Educators who effectively apply universal design and accommodations level the playing field for students with disabilities and make instruction welcoming to, accessible to, and usable by all students. They minimize, but do not eliminate, the need for accommodations.
Presenter: Sheryl Burgstahler
ERCs integrate engineering research and education with technological innovation to transform national prosperity, health, and security. As increasing numbers of people with disabilities participate in academic opportunities and careers, the accessibility of courses, labs, electronic resources, events, internships, and other ERC activities increases in importance. Our goal is to provide equal access to everyone who qualifies to use ERC resources and participate in sponsored activities.
AccessERC has created a publication titled Equal Access: Universal Design of Your Engineering Research Center, which contains a checklist for creating a welcoming and accessible ERC. This checklist covers policies and recruitment, information technology, facilities and activities, and various communication methods. Review a copy of this checklist and check out other resources that AccessERC has to offer.
Presenter: Gaby de Jongh
Assistive technology (AT) is software, hardware, devices, or equipment that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities. AT includes both devices and services. Many “high tech” and “low tech” devices are available to assist people with disabilities overcome barriers to completing daily tasks, such as such as reading and writing documents, communicating with others, and searching for information on the Internet.
People with mobility disabilities use a variety of technologies. Some technology assists individuals with little or no use of their hands in using a standard keyboard. Individuals who have use of one finger, or have access to a mouth- or head-stick or some other pointing device, can control the computer by pressing keys with the pointing device, and software utilities can create “sticky keys” and other options to enhance accessibility.
People who are blind or have low vision can not access visual materials and either need a system that can read text out loud or can create braille with an embosser or a refreshable display. For people who are deaf or hard of hearing, captions and translators are often needed for videos or when interacting with other people. People with learning disabilities use a wide variety of technology depending on their specific disabilities; examples include software that can read text aloud or input text from speech, dictation, and alternative color options.
An example of an individual who uses multiple forms of high tech assistive devices is Stephen Hawking. He uses a combination of eye tracking, augmentative communication device, head array, and power wheelchair; check it out here. For more examples of how computer technology and AT can assist people with disabilities, read the publication Working Together: People with Disabilities and Computer Technology.
Presenter: Terrill Thompson
When we’re creating digital content such as web pages, videos, or online documents, we may envision our typical user as an able-bodied person using a desktop computer. In reality, users utilize a wide variety of technologies to access the web including assistive technologies, mobile devices, and more; everyone has different levels of ability when it comes to seeing, hearing, or using a mouse or keyboard. Since the World Wide Web was invented, HTML has had alt tags and other accessibility features as one of its standards. WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines, second version) aims to bring all web content up to an accessible level so that all users have equivalent access. WCAG 2.0 follows four main principles; information should be perceivable, operable, understandable, and robust. Each of these principles is defined by more specific guidelines, and those are further defined by specific success criteria, which are assigned Level A, AA, or AAA, with Level A success criteria including the most critical issues for accessibility. Level A success criteria are fairly easy to meet. In resolution agreements and legal settlements regarding inaccessible IT, the U.S. Department of Justice and the Department of Education Office of Civil Rights have identified WCAG 2.0 Level AA as a reasonable target to ensure websites are accessible.
A push for accessible tools and features will help make all web content more accessible. Using accessible themes in WordPress and Drupal is an easy way to spread accessibility across campus and utilize necessary accessibility features such as keyboard accessible drop-down menus and proper headings. ARIA (Accessible Rich Internet Applications) can be used to analyze accessibility, and it communicates the interface elements to users and designers. Canvas and similar learning management systems need to be made accessible; faculty need to learn about headings and alt text and the right questions to ask about accessibility.
For more information about web accessibility, check out these resources:
Presenter: Eric Chudler and Scott Bellman
Promising practices of the Center for Neurotechnology (CNT), an ERC at the University of Washington (UW) engage people with disabilities in all aspects of the Center. Further details are available online in a publication called Promising Practices That Engage People with Disabilities in the CNT. The strategies were presented in five broad categories:
Presenter: Kayla Brown
In our society, there are many barriers that prevent people with disabilities from fully participating or feeling included. Faculty and other service providers often address accessibility issues only when determined by disability services or their campuses. Attitudes and stereotypes influence every aspect of the lives of people with disabilities, including social inclusion, educational opportunities, healthcare, self-esteem, and so much more. This presentation covered the following topics:
How we define disability and how that contributes to systems of oppression impacting people with disabilities is very important. There is a long history to the disability rights movement that serves to push back on these attitudes and promote the creation of a more welcoming and accessible world.
Presenter: Scott Bellman
As increasing numbers of people with disabilities pursue educational opportunities in engineering, accessibility of engineering teaching and research labs is critical. The ultimate goal is simply equal access. Hands-on learning in lab courses is an important component of an engineering degree. Everyone who needs to use departmental spaces and labs should be able to do so comfortably.
To make your department accessible, employ principles of universal design. Universal design means that rather than designing your facilities and services for the average user, they are designed for people with a broad range of abilities, ages, reading levels, learning styles, native languages, cultures, and other characteristics. Keep in mind that individuals using a lab may have learning disabilities or visual, speech, hearing, and mobility impairments. Preparing your space and curriculum to be accessible to all will minimize the need for special accommodations.
When designing an engineering facility, consider your planning and policies, evaluation, the physical environment, lab staff knowledge, access to informational resources, equipment and technology, and instructional strategies. To learn more about how to make these aspects accessible, review the brochures Equal Access of an Engineering Department and Equal Access: Universal Design of an Engineering Lab.
As part of this presentation, participants visited the Paul G. Allen Computer Science and Engineering Building to review the University of Washington BioRobotics Lab ( Technology and lab space were reviewed for accessibility using the above checklists.
Presenter: Scott Bellman
AccessERC is funded by the National Science Foundation as a supplement to the CNT. The ultimate goal of AccessERC is to increase the successful participation of people with disabilities in STEM and improve these fields with their perspectives and expertise.
AccessERC will host Capacity Building Institutes for ERC leaders, maintain a Community of Practice comprised of at least eighty ERC representatives, host regular conference calls, provide consultation to ERCs, offer seed grants for individual activities at ERCs that support project goals and objectives, develop an online Knowledge Base and project website, create case studies of individuals with disabilities who have engaged in ERCs, produce a video promoting replication of project activities, and develop products and publications related to project goals. For more information and to view these materials, visit the AccessERC website.
During the CBI, several videos were utilized to share information about disability culture, accessible information technology, disability accommodations, communication tips, and universal design. Find hyperlinked videos below:
Engaging Individuals with Disabilities in an ERC
DO-IT Collaborates with CNT to Open Doors for People with Disabilities
STEM and People with Disabilities
Disability Sensitivity Training Video
The student perspectives panel featured students with disabilities currently in undergraduate or graduate programs.
The following are examples of responses given during CBI discussions.
Stakeholder groups represented in the CBI included members of ERCs with a variety of roles. The following individuals participated in the CBI.
Adelowo, Ebenezer
Graduate student
Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies
Alrehaili, Omar
Social Committee Chair
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Barrios, Ana C.
Ph.D. Student
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Bellman, Scott
Diversity Manager
Center for Neurotechnology
Borah, Devajani
Center of Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics
Borela, Rodrigo
Graduate Research Assistant / SLC - Vice President
Center of Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics
Bronner, Colleen
UC Davis Education Lead
Center of Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics
Brown, Kayla
Burgstahler, Sheryl
Diversity Director
Center for Neurotechnology
Chandler, Jennifer
CBBG Leadership Advisor
Center of Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics
Chudler, Eric
Education Director
Center for Neurotechnology
Crawford, Lyla
Internal Evaluator
de Jongh, Gaby
Accessibility Specialist
Driscoll, Denise M.
Director of Diversity
Center of Innovative and Strategic Transformation of Alkane Resources
Farooqui, Juhi
Post-Baccalaureate Fellow
Center for Neurotechnology
Garcia, Diego
Research Assistant
Re-Inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure
Sara Goering
Philosophy Professor, CNT Ethics Team leader
Center for Neurotechnology
Javed, Hassan
Graduate Student
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Killam, Alex
EE PhD - SLC President
Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies
Larson, Jean
Education Coordinator
Center of Bio-mediated & Bio-inspired Geotechnics
Lanzarini-Lopes, Mariana
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Li, Braden
Graduate Research Assitant
NC State University
Loyo, Jorge
Associate Director of Education
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Lumens, Lynn
Student Organization Leader
NC State University
Moritz, Chet
Deputy Director
Center for Neurotechnology
Newhart, Kate
PhD Student
Re-Inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure
Okpowe, Nelson O.
Graduate Student
Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies
Pratt, Katherine
Graduate Student
Center for Neurotechnology
Pruitt, Emmy
Outreach Chair
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Rice, Doug
PhD Student
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Routhier, Alex
SLC Vice-President
Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies
Rowlands, Tiffany
Pre College Education and Outreach Coordinator
Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies
Saradhi, Vijay
Graduate Research Assistant
Quantum Energy and Sustainable Solar Technologies
Scholes, Rachel
PhD Student
Re-Inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure
Spahr, Katie
D&I Committee Member
Re-Inventing the Nation’s Urban Water Infrastructure
Thompson, Terrill
Accessibility Specialist
Thyfault, Mackayla
UTEP SLC Vice President
Nanotechnology Enabled Water Treatment Systems
Tidwell, Tami
Populated with individuals who work at NSF-funded ERCs across the United States, members of the AccessERC Community of Practice (CoP)
Individuals can join the AccessERC CoP by contacting For information about other CoPs hosted by DO-IT, consult this page.
AccessERC maintains a searchable database of frequently asked questions, case studies, and promising practices related to how educators and employers can fully include students with disabilities. The Knowledge Base is an excellent resource for ideas that can be implemented in programs in order to better serve students with disabilities. In particular, the promising practices articles serve to spread the word about practices that show evidence of improving the participation of people with disabilities in postsecondary education.
Examples of Knowledge Base questions include the following:
Individuals and organizations are encouraged to propose questions and answers, case studies, and promising practices for the Knowledge Base. Contributions and suggestions can be sent to
For more information on making your campus technology accessible and to learn more about accessible learning or universal design, review the following websites and brochures:
AccessERC capacity building activities are funded by National Science Foundation under Grant #EEC-1028725. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the CBI presenters, attendees, and publication authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation or University of Washington.
University of Washington
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Founder and Director: Sheryl Burgstahler, Ph.D.
Program Manager: Scott Bellman
© 2017 University of Washington. Permission is granted to copy this publication for educational, noncommercial purposes, provided the source is acknowledged.