Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners Accepting Applicants

During the past two summers, Dr. Eric Chudler has led the neuroscience discussions during the Neuroscience for Neurodiverse Learners (NNL) program. As a research associate professor and executive director of the Center for Neurotechnology at the University of Washington, Eric has offered engaging lectures on everything from neuroscience in media to music. For those who can’t get to his labs or lectures, Eric and UWTV have created the BrainWorks series where he and a group of high school students explore topics like “Sleep and the Brain,” “Exercise and the Brain,” “Brain-Computer Interface,” and “Kids and Sports-Related Injuries.” Every video is accompanied by a user’s guide, making it easy to watch alone or use as an educational tool in a classroom. These videos can be found on the UW Video website.
Over the past two years, NNL has brought together over 50 neurodiverse high school students to learn about neuroscience as well as gain valuable life skills and peer connections to prepare for their transition to college.
If you or someone you know is a neurodiverse high school junior or senior interested in STEM, the application to participate in NNL can be found online. This year’s summer program runs from August 8-19, 2022, and is currently accepting applicants.