Accessible Outdoor Table Design: A Case Study in Teaching Design Students to Think Universally
Adam and Field Work: A Case Study on Accommodations for Blindness
Allison and Chemistry: A Case Study on Accommodations in Group Work and Discussion
Alternative Access: A Case Study on the Benefits of Assistive Technology for Students with Temporary Disabilities
Ana and Astronomy: A Case Study on Accommodations for Writing Assignments
Andrea and Computer Modeling: A Case Study on Drawing and Modeling in Architecture
Collaboration Struggles in an Engineering Lab: A Case Study About a Student with Autism
Colored Rulers: A Case Study on Finding a Low-Tech Solution for Completing Exams
Conference Engagement via Robot: A Case Study in an Option for a Student Unable to Travel
Debra's Conference Experience: A Case Study on Challenges Faced by Conference Participants Who Are Deaf
Distance Learning 101: A Case Study on Accessibility in Collaboration
Dr. Doe's Internet Course: A Case Study on Accessible Distance Learning
Dr. Stephen Hawking: A Case Study on Using Technology to Communicate with the World
Earth Science: A Case Study on Teaching Concepts to a Student with a Visual Impairment
Electronic Course Reserves: A Case Study on Universal Access to Electronic Information in Academic Libraries
Elena and Computer Graphics: A Case Study on Accommodating Health Impairments
Geography and Christian: A Case Study in Accommodating In-Class Computer-Based Testing
Hien and Medical School Rotations: A Case Study on Accommodating for a Pacemaker
Hua and Electrical Engineering: A Case Study on Accommodating Deafness or Hearing Loss
Imke and Science Labs: A Case Study in Accommodations for Blindness
Inaccessibility in a Calculus Course: A Case Study on Educating Faculty and Staff about Learning Disabilities
Jack and Engineering: A Case Study on Having a Temporary Mobility Impairment in an Engineering Course
Jan and Large Lectures: A Case Study on Accommodations for Psychiatric Disorders
Javier and Medical School: A Case Study on Accommodations for Visual Impairments
Joe and Test Taking: A Case Study on Accommodations for Learning Disabilities
Kim and Biology: A Case Study on Accommodations for Learning Disabilities
Marika and Mathematics: A Case Study on Accommodations for Visual Impairments
Michael and Depression: A Case Study in Collaboration and Disability Awareness
Nana and Engineering: A Case Study on Accommodating Mobility Impairments
Nolan and Physics: A Case Study on Accommodating Learning Disabilities
Observation Requirements for New Interns: A Case Study on Field Work in Architecture
Opening Doors to Solutions: A Case Study on Self-Advocacy
Planning Ahead: A Case Study on Student Performance Standards and Accommodations for an Internship
Professional Development for Web Accessibility: Case Studies on Higher Education
Rajiv and Biology: A Case Study on Accommodations for Test Taking
Reduced Course Loads: A Case Study on Financial Aid Eligibility
Roadmaps & Rampways: Case Studies of Success in Science
Roberto and Biology: A Case Study on Accommodations for Deafness
Sara in Medical School: A Case Study on Dealing with Deafness in a Clinical Health Setting
Scott and Engineering: A Case Study in Accommodations for Mobility Impairments
Sean and Computer Science: A Case Study on Accommodations for a Psychiatric Disorder
Shirley and Test Taking: A Case Study on Accommodations for Blindness
Simple Solutions: A Case Study on Low-Tech Accommodations and Campus Computer Labs
Software Compatibility: A Case Study on Assistive Technology, Accessible Course Software, and a Student with Low Vision
Universally Designed Web Pages: A Case Study on Access Issues for a Student with a Learning Disability
Web Access: A Case Study on Making Content Accessible to a Student who is Blind