
Universal Design in Higher Education: Promising Practices

Edited by Sheryl E. Burgstahler

Universal Design in Higher Education: Promising Practices is available in HTML and PDF versions. For the HTML version, follow the table of contents below. For the PDF version, go to Universal Design in Higher Education: Promising Practices - PDFs. We recommend the PDF version as the best choice if you want to create the entire book or an individual chapter in print format.

Equal Access: Universal Design of Professional Organizations

A checklist for making professional organizations inclusive

As increasing numbers of people with disabilities participate in academic opportunities and careers, the accessibility of professional organizations increases in importance. The goal is simply equal access; every member or potential member of your organization should feel welcome and be able to use your resources and participate in sponsored activities.

Equal Access: Universal Design of Your Project

A checklist for making projects welcoming, accessible, and usable

As increasing numbers of people with disabilities participate in academic opportunities and careers, the accessibility of classes, services, electronic resources, events, and specific project activities increases in importance. The goal is simply equal access; everyone who qualifies to use project resources or participate in sponsored activities should be able to do so comfortably and efficiently.
