Sheryl Burgstahler interviewed for Q&A on Universal Design

Thursday, October 15, 2015

DO-IT Director Sheryl Burgstahler was recently the main focus of an interview titled "Universal Design: An Accessibility Philosophy that Helps Everyone." This interview was facilitated by Howard Kramer from the University of Colorado-Boulder, the cofounder of the Accessing Higher Ground Conference, and is featured on the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE) Cooperative for Educational Technologies (WCET) website.

As Sheryl said in her interview, "think about universal design in this way:  it is an attitude—it’s very inclusive.  It’s a goal. You’ll probably never reach it; you’ll probably never ever create a course or any other application that’s fully accessible to everybody in the world.  But you can be looking at that as your goal as you take incremental steps to more inclusive design."

For more information on Universal Design, read our publication Universal Design in Education: Principles and Applications.