What is the Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education?
The Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) works with the National Science Foundation’s Advancing Informal STEM Learning (AISL) program to “build and advance the informal STEM education field by providing infrastructure, resources, and connectivity for educators, researchers, evaluators, and other interested stakeholders.”
CAISE creates and supports task forces, inquiry groups, convenings, and principal investigator meetings that are designed to facilitate discussion and identify needs and opportunities for those who design, research, or evaluate informal STEM learning experiences and settings.
The CAISE blog shares updates from community members and stakeholders about their projects, including new resources, publications, and calls for collaboration. Blog posts are offered chronologically or in categories such as evaluation, funding, project spotlights, science communication, and resources.
For more information, join informalscience.org, sign up for CAISE Communications, or browse the CAISE member directory.