This spring, AccessComputing PI Richard Ladner and co-PI Jacob Wobbrock both received awards. Ladner was named the recipient of the 2019 National Center for Women & Information Technology (NCWIT) Harrold and Notkin Award. This award recognizes faculty members who distinguish themselves with outstanding research and excellent graduate mentoring, as well as those who recruit and encourage women and minorities in computing fields.
Ladner has mentioned how special it is to receive an award named after his long-time colleague David Notkin, who was a faculty member here at UW. Richard will receive the award in May at the 2019 NCWIT Summit on Women and IT. More information is on the NCWIT website.
Meanwhile, Jacob Wobbrock was inducted into the CHI Academy – recognized as the highest honor in the field of human-computer interaction. Each year, the Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI) recognizes six to eight scholars for their contributions to scholarship and innovation in the field.
Jake said, “I am extremely honored to be inducted into the CHI Academy, and to join such a prestigious group of HCI pioneers whose contributions I have admired for decades. To receive the SIGCHI Social Impact Award two years ago and now to be inducted into the CHI Academy have been the highlights of my professional life, and I feel deeply indebted to the UW Information School, to the design: use: build: (DUB) Group, and to my current and former Ph.D. students and collaborators who have provided the environment and teamwork to make this possible for me.”
Jen Mankoff, a collaborator of AccessComputing and faculty member in the UW Paul G. Allen School of Computing Science and Engineering, was also inducted into the CHI Academy this year. More information can be found on the SIGCHI website.