Maya Cakmak is the PI for AccessComputing. She is an associate professor in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Washington with a specialization in human-robot interaction. Since arriving at UW in 2013, she has been active with the DO-IT Center through multiple projects, including being a co-PI of the NSF-funded project AccessEngineering and leading several one-week summer workshops in the DO-IT Scholars summer program. She has also worked with AccessComputing leading a small research group in a GoogleCSR-funded workshop for undergraduate women with disabilities. Her research includes projects on assistive robotics for people with severe motor disabilities. She is the winner of the 2022 Anita Borg Early Career Award for advancing innovation and broadening participation in human-centered robotics.
Project staff directly work towards AccessComputing's goals by working with the AccessComputing Team organizing events, collaborating with partners, and creating resources to promote the inclusion of more people with disabilities in computing education and careers.
Maya Cakmak
Brianna BlaserBrianna Blaser is a co-PI of AccessComputing. Her work includes direct interventions for individuals with disabilities and working with faculty, employers, and other stakeholders to create institutional change. Brianna has a PhD in women studies and a background in diversity and career development in STEM education and careers.
Stacy Branham
Stacy Branham, co-PI of AccessComputing, is an assistant professor of informatics in the Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Science at the University of California, Irvine. Her research sits at the intersection of human-centered computing and accessible computing, exploring how technologies mediate colocated interpersonal relationships, specifically in regards to how they affect the physical safety and social wellbeing of marginalized people.
Raja Kushalnagar
Raja Kushalnagar, co-PI of AccessComputing, is director of the Information Technology program in the Department of Science, Technology and Mathematics at Gallaudet University in Washington, DC. His research focuses on accessible computing design, with specific focuses in intellectual property law and the improvement of access for deaf and hard of hearing individuals. He primarily teaches human-centered computing with a focus on accessible computing, application development courses, and cybersecurity-related courses.
Elaine Schaertl Short
Elaine Schaertl Short, co-PI of AccessComputing, is an Clare Boothe Luce assistant professor within the Departments of Computer Science and Mechanical Engineering at Tufts University. She is the PI of the Assistive Agent Behavior and Learning (AABL) Lab, and her work focuses on lies at the intersection of assistive technology and social robotics, focusing on developing robots that can support people in achieving their goals.
Amy Ko
Amy Ko, AccessComputing senior personnel, is an associate professor in the Information School at the UW. She directs the USE research group, which invents technologies that help people understand and overcome complex software. Her interests span human-computer interaction, software engineering, and computing education
Lyla CrawfordLyla Crawford works with AccessComputing as the internal evaluator.
Scott BellmanScott Bellman is the program manager at the DO-IT Center at the UW. Scott's primary interests relate to career development and transition to college for people with disabilities.
Terrill ThompsonTerrill Thompson is the manager of the IT Accessibility Team at the UW. He promotes information technology (IT) accessibility by developing resources, delivering lectures and workshops, providing consultation to a wide variety of constituents, and conducting research.
Kayla Brown
Kayla Brown is a program coordinator for AccessComputing. She has a masters of social work from the University of Washington and is currently working towards a doctorate in Seattle University's Educational and Organizational learning and Leadership program. Her passion is community outreach, research, and disability activism. She works one-on-one with students to work on goal setting, academic planning, and building a support system.
Eric Trekell
Eric Trekell is a program operations specialist with AccessComputing. He has a bachelor's degree with dual majors in government and history from Adams State University of Colorado, and a master's degree in educational administration from Texas A&M University, College Station. His past work experience includes teaching student success courses and working in TRiO, Queer, and disabilities resource center programs in postsecondary institutions. Eric currently manages the AccessComputing team and activities for students with disabilities.
Elizabeth Woolner
Elizabeth is the publications and website coordinator for AccessComputing. Her main role is to organize, create, and manage the products and resources created for the project. She has a bachelor's in English and a certificate in editing, both from the University of Washington.
Richard LadnerRichard Ladner is a professor emeritus in computer science and engineering at the UW. In addition to organizing programs for students with disabilities in computing, his research interests include accessibility technology research, especially technology for people who are deaf, deaf-blind, hard-of-hearing, and blind. He was the previous PI for AccessComputing.