Once again this year, AccessCSforAll is participating in the STEM for All Video Showcase. The Showcase, which runs from May 14-21 highlights work being done by federally-funded programs to transform STEM education. This year, the AccessCSforAll submission will bring attention to including students with disabilities in K-12 computer science education by highlighting a blind student programming a robot using Blocks4All. Blocks4All, developed by UW CSE graduate student Lauren Milne, explores techniques to make block-based programming accessible to students who are blind.
Check out our video, join the conversation, and cast your vote: Accessible Programming with Blocks4All
While you're there, check out other videos related to disability and from our partners:
- Inventing, Designing, and Engineering on the Autism Spectrum
- Providing Equitable Access to Computing Education in MS
- IE Capstone Projects to Benefit Adults with Disabilities
- Project TACTIC: Teaching All Computational Thinking Through Inclusion and Collaboration
- APLU INCLUDES: Broadening Participation Within STEM Faculty
- Project ESCOLAR
- Doing the Math with Paraeducators
- Expanding Computing Education Pathways
- RAISE: STEM Career Development for Incarcerated Youth
- Teaching Mathematics to Struggling Learners