
The best accommodations are unique to the individual and develop from a cooperative relationship between instructor and student, sometimes with the assistance of special education teachers or other professionals. AccessCSforAll provides tools and resources for assessing the accessibility of your lab or course and developing accommodation strategies.

Universal Design

In the classroom, most groups are diverse. We vary in background, cultural and gender identity, first language, and age. We have different learning styles, including visual and auditory. Some of us have disabilities, including blindness, low vision, hearing impairments, mobility impairments, learning disabilities, and health impairments.

How can educators design instruction to maximize the learning of all students? By using universal design.

Rights & Responsibilities

Students with disabilities, who are eligible for services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) in preschool through high school, are guaranteed a free and appropriate education in the the least restrictive environment in the public schools. Public schools have the responsibility to ensure that eligible students are identified and provided with appropriate educational supports and services.

Contribute to the Knowledge Base

AccessCSforAll maintains a Knowledge Base of hundreds of articles that address disability-related issues. This Knowledge Base is continually growing to include answers to common questions (Q&A), Case Studies, and Promising Practices regarding accessibility of technology, college, graduate school, and computing careers for individuals with disabilities.


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