'04 Ambassadors

DO-IT Ambassadors are pursuing postsecondary studies and careers. They share their experiences with DO-IT Scholars and Pals, encouraging them to pursue their goals in college and employment.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and a learning disability
Graduated from Western Washington University with a degree in musical theater.
Traumatic brain injury
Attends Seattle University and is a majoring in secondary education and math.
Amyoplasia arthrogyposis multiplex congenita
Attends Whitworth University and studies speech communications and leadership.
Attention deficit disorder
Fulfilled requirements for a major in biology and a minor in zoology at Washington State University; working on completing second minor in psychology. Works in a neuro-electophysiology lab.
Cerebral palsy
Graduated from a music business school in Hollywood. Interned at the film and television placement department at Chrysalis Music Group.
Learning disability
Attended classes at South Puget Sound Community College for culinary arts.
Cerebral palsy
Studying to be a medical receptionist. Uses art to express her experiences as a person with a disability.
Graduated from Western Washington University. Member the National Society of Collegiate Scholars. Plans to pursue a master's degree in mechanical engineering.
Spina bifida
Graduated with honors from Cascade High School.
Taking online classes in library-information science while on leave from Western Washington University.
Cerebral palsy
Graduated from Shoreline Community College and was in the process of transferring to the University of Washington to study social work and disability law when she died after surgery in July 2010. She was involved with the Arc of Snohomish County, Disability Rights Washington, and competed in the Special Olympics.
Cerebral palsy
Attends Cascadia Communtity College, taking computer programming classes. Worked at the Seattle Mountaineers office.
Cerebral palsy
Works as an assistant volunteer coordinator at the Arc of Whatcom County. Volunteers at the American Museum of Radio and Electricity, Whatcom County Future Search Committee, and Parent to Parent.
Attention deficit disorder and dyslexia
Attends Western Washington University and studies special education. Participated in three mission trips to Kolkata, India.
Asperger's syndrome
Attends community college in Florida. Volunteers with the Special Olympics and is learning sign language.
Mobility impairment
Attends Cascadia Community College. Completed an internship with the UW Athletic Department/Women's Crew.
Visual impairment
Graduated from Gonzaga University, with degrees in economics and math. Enrolled in a Ph.D. program in finance at the University of Southern California. Interned at Boeing, NASA, and NOAA.
Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Graduated from Pacific Lutheran University with a major in history and a minor in Spanish.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Earned an associate's degree. Attends Washington State University, pursuing a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering. Would like to be an engineer involved in the use of nuclear fusion as an energy source.
Mobility impairment
Attends Columbia Basin College. Plans to transfer to Eastern Washington University to study child psychology.
Earned associate's degree from Olympic College. Enrolled in an early childhood and family studies program at the University of Washington.