Phase I Scholars

My name is Jesse, and I am from North Dakota. I am 16 years old and am in the 11th grade. My academic interests are mainly computers and graphic design. Some other interests are biking, swimming, playing video games, and being with friends. Since I am blind, I use a speech output system to read my computer screen. I really enjoyed the Summer Study program.

Hi, my name is Bror. I'm 16 years old, the second child of four. I heard about the DO-IT program through my math and science teachers. It sounded like a lot of fun and it is a lot of fun. I like all sports - I'm very athletic. This year right before I came to DO-IT, I was in Fargo, North Dakota, wrestling in the freestyle Nationals Championships (I placed 42 out of 148).

My name is CJ and I am from Washington, am homeschooled and in 11th grade. I have Attention Deficit Disorder with some learning disabilities in English and spelling. I enjoy math, astronomy, playing my guitar, and exploring music on the computer. In my spare time, I enjoy bike riding, swimming, and roller skating. I'm firmly into the computer industry and love working on computers. The value of having Internet access is that it gives me the tools to explore my interests in computer music and the sciences.

Andrew from Montana here. I am 16 years old and will be in 11th grade in September. I have three older brothers and two younger sisters. I will be the student body Vice President when I go back to school in the fall. I enjoy drawing, building Lego structures, computer games, and cruising the 'Net'. As I become better at using the Internet I'm sure I will wonder how I ever got along without it! I am interested in structural engineering and architecture and things like the space station and the Biosphere experiment. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy which has left me extremely weak. Being in this program has given me the opportunity to use some of the adaptive technology available today.

My name is Jeffrey and I live in Washington. I have Psoriatic Arthritis; it affects both my skin and joints. I have very limited range of motions and strength, and I'm sensitive to both extreme hot and cold weather conditions. My interests are biology, algebra, and computers. Since I was a kid I've always been curious to find out how both living things and machines work and function. When not engaged in academics, I enjoy playing video games and collecting comics. Having a computer is great!! It assists me in my education and provides fun at the same time. I love it!

My name is Wes. I am 18 years old, I get good grades in school, and am very active with school activities. My favorite class is architectural design because it is preparing me for my future career in computer animation. In my spare time, I like to hang out with my friends, draw, listen to music, play video games, and take walks. I am quadriplegic and use a wheelchair. I am presently residing in Washington with my father, stepmother, and my 5 sisters. I also have a stepbrother who is married, with a son. I enjoyed the DO-IT summer program.

I am Michael from Washington. I am going to be a Junior in high school next year. I have a hidden disability called Dyslexia. I hope to become an architect, carpenter, or go into the Department of Fish and Wildlife. I like basketball, soccer, most all other sports, building, and fishing. The activities that I participate in at school are a club called Earth Corp and the swimming team (varsity, of course). I think that the DO-IT program is a wonderful opportunity to communicate with many different people.

I'm Jorja and I live in Idaho. I'm in the class of '96 in high school. I have Cerebral Palsy which enables me to be in a wheelchair during school. The DO-IT program has been a really good experience for me. I had a really wonderful time at the DO-IT Summer Study program. My hobbies are bumming rides from people, hanging out, and of course using the Internet.

Hello. My name is Aimee. I'm sixteen years old and I really love getting to know other people. I think email is the most wonderful thing since the low- fat candy bar. I am diabetic. I like to write letters, read just about anything (besides school work), write poetry, sing, and have a social life, even though I don't get to do that a lot. I really like Washington and being in Seattle. It is so different from Idaho, where I'm from. I have three younger sisters, two half sisters who are older than me, and, if you know anyone with step families, I'm probably related to them. I have three step dads and a step mom. I live in a foster home and I really love it.

I am Shawn and I am 16 years old. I am a quadriplegic but I don't have a clear diagnosis. I love to listen to music, especially country music. I also like computers and sports. Football, basketball, and wrestling are my favorite sports. I am really enjoying getting to know all the kids in DO-IT.

Hello, this is Matt from Washington! I'm going to be a Senior this year. My disability is a hearing impairment, but I can hear 50% in my right ear. I love to play any sports, especially swimming, basketball, baseball, and football.

My name is Jeremy. I'm 17 years old and live in Washington. My disability is that I had a massive head injury. I have trouble reading, I can no longer write with my left hand, I have trouble remembering things, and I have trouble wording things. My interests are physical types of work and I like learning how to use the computer.

My name is Bridget and I will be a Junior this fall in Washington. I am hearing impaired. My interests include science, biology, chemistry, oceanography, evolution, genetics, and medicine. I am on my high school's swim team, and I like to hike, ride horses, and lots of other sports. I really love to travel, especially to Europe, and I collect postcards that I buy while traveling, and ones that I receive from friends. DO-IT is making me more and more aware of how much support there is for people with disabilities that I never knew existed. I like reading messages on the Internet of new accomplishments for people with disabilities and I like realizing that people with severe disabilities are still normal, smart, and fun people inside.

My name is Matthew. I live in Washington state. I have a disability called Epidermolysis Hysica. I don't make enough of a thing called collogen that helps hold skin cells together. I get blisters easily. I like computers and physical science. I like learning about how the universe was created. My love is computers though. I want to design software for Nintendo or Microsoft. I like to play video and computer games, collect comics, and I'm a big Star Trek fan. That's basically me.

Hi, my name is Janny. I have Cerebral Palsy and use a wheelchair. I love people and like meeting the DO-IT Scholars. I just returned from another camp before I came to the DO-IT Summer Study. Luckily, I had enough energy to stay awake. I know this biography is boring, but I am more exciting in person.

My name is Bill and I live in Oregon with my mom, dad, and a dog named Chester Manly. I have Cerebral Palsy and very limited use of my left hand. Luckily, I discovered that I can still do many things. I raise pigs, ride horses, go tubing behind the boat, and ride four wheelers at the Oregon Dunes. My biggest interest is in animal science, and I am particularly interested in the great apes and zoo vet science. I have also always enjoyed computers. DO-IT has given me the opportunity to have a wonderful computer at home (which helps me tremendously with school work!), and has opened the door to the world through the Internet. My summer DO-IT experience helped me gain the help and knowledge I need to continue my education after high school.

My name is Todd! I live in Washington state. I love to talk with people and listen to their problems. The DO-IT program is interesting. I am a quadriplegic with a great sense of humor. The things I enjoy the most are eating, speaking, and thinking.

Hi! My name is Rachel. I will be a Junior in high school in Washington state. I'm a cheerleader for the next school year, so I have been very busy with conditioning camp and learning the routines. My disabilities are end stage renal failure and hearing loss. I'm in DO-IT because of my interests in biology. Other subjects I enjoy are English, reading, archaeology, and history. Having a computer and access to the Internet will help me research, and familiarize myself with technology that will help me throughout my life. It will also help me explore career options that I might miss without this opportunity. Thank you very much, DO-IT!!

My name is Priscilla. I'm 17 years old and will be a Senior in high school. I have Cerebral Palsy and it affects all of my limbs. The adaptive technology that I use are a large print program and a voice activation program "Dragon Dictate," which types what I speak into a microphone headset. It takes a lot of patience to train it to recognize my voice. I love to surf the Internet, find library resources, and receive email from my friends.