Phase II Scholars

Phase II Scholars attended their second Summer Study at the University of Washington in August of 2002. During that session they worked closely with University faculty; in small groups they studied the Game of Life (computer image processing), Computer Usability Testing, Accessible Design of National Parks, and Virtual Reality. Throughout the year they continue to communicate via the Internet and participate in DO-IT activities, projects, and internships.

My name is Brandon. I want my first job to be one that I like and that pays well. It would probably be a computing job. I have quadriplegia, but I will move again.

Hello, my name is Brad. I will be a freshman at Central Washington University in Ellensburg next year. I have not decided on a major yet, but it will be in the field of math or science. I will also most likely be doing something involving computers. I like reading and hanging out with friends in my spare time. GO WILDCATS!!!

Hello. My name is Chris and I am entering my senior year. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, which causes the gradual wasting away of the muscles. I enjoy taking difficult courses in school to see how far in life they take me. Beginning last year, I participated in Running Start by taking two engineering classes at the local community college. My goals in life are to attend the School of Engineering at the University of Washington and become an aeronautical engineer for Boeing. If that does not work out, I still want to get a job in the field of engineering. It is my hope that DO-IT will open up opportunities to accomplish my goals.

My name is Elizabeth. I am 17 years old, and I will be a senior. I have Cerebral Palsy, which came as a result of a lack of oxygen at birth. For the past three years and an upcoming fourth, I have been a part of Service Club. My favorite subjects in school are English and science. I want to go to college to become an author or a journalist. At DO-IT, I have the chance to learn what college life is like, to meet people with disabilities, and to make new friends. I enjoy writing, reading, listening to music, watching the Mariners, and hanging out with friends. Most importantly, I want everyone to know that after living with CP for 17 years, I know that being disabled is ok and that I will always have strengths and weaknesses. No matter what happens, I am still me and will always be me. Having a positive attitude is a way for anyone to meet challenges, no matter who they are or what the challenge.

My name is Jeff, and I am going into my senior year of high school. I have Attention Deficit Disorder; it is hard for me to stay focused when I need to focus and it breaks my concentration when I need to pay attention to something. I also have an auditory processing disorder, which makes it hard for me to figure out the meaning behind things I hear. I like engineering, math, and technology. I like using math and computers to make art, and I like figuring out how stuff works. My favorite subjects in school are art and math. I want a career working with computers and electronics. I have learned almost everything I know over the Internet, and I think DO-IT will help me a lot.

Hi. My name is Caleb. I am also taking a class at Skagit Valley Community College. I want to work with adaptive technology. Because I am visually impaired and physically disabled, I feel that it would be an interesting career field for me. I have two brothers, one sister, and one sister-in-law. For me, one value of having a computer is that it allows my instructional assistant to e-mail work to me. I need a computer to read the e-mails so that I can study. I have also been able to read interesting e-mails from DO-IT participants.

Hi. I'm Raechell. I have four sisters and two brothers, all younger than me. I am a C7 quad, profoundly deaf, and respiratory fragile. I speak English as well as American Sign Language. I love math and science. It's all logical and there's always an answer. My favorite school subjects include math, science, and jewelry. I love art! And the teacher says that I'm good, considering I only have the use of my right arm. I'd like to be either an elementary school teacher or a math teacher. I love kids. I used to help out in Sunday school. I'm online 40-45 hours a week if there's school, more than that if not.

Hey there, my name is Lauren. I am 17 years old, and will be entering my senior year. The disability that I have is right-sided weakness and a brain tumor. None of that has stopped me from doing what I would like to do, though. After I graduate from high school, I plan to go to a community college. From there, I plan to go to a four-year college. I still don't know what I am going to major in, but I'm sure that I'll figure it out soon.

Hi. My name is Matt. I'm 17 years old. My hobbies include snow mobiling, running, working, and participating in the FFA (Future Farmers of America). I show sheep throughout Washington fairs. I work for Bishop Sanitation applying class B septage in our wheat fields. My goal is to go to college and study business management and culinary cooking. My disabilities are Dyslexia and short term memory defect.

Hi, my name is Brandon. I'm a 12th grader. My favorite school subject is English, and my career goal is to become an English teacher. I would like to go to a four-year college in the future. My disability is left-side hemiplegia. I enjoy reading, playing sports, and playing on my computer.

My name is Alexandra, and I'm going to be attending the University of Washington this year. I love to snowboard. I'm deaf, and therefore, interpreters are most helpful. Having a computer allows me to talk to my friends over e-mail, which has been of great value to me. DO-IT is helping me develop techniques that have prepared me for college. I love to have fun, dance, and be with my friends.

Hello, my name is Jacob. I am going into the 12th grade. I have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Deficiency and bilateral clubfeet. I was in a band for two years, but now I plan to join the drama class. I am also a member of a church youth group and have been involved in several service projects this summer. I am interested in most sciences. I will be taking chemistry this year and took zoology last year. I would like a job in the field of science. I'm also interested in learning all I can about computers. Computers and the Internet have opened opportunities to learn about new and exciting happenings around the world. They have also helped me to learn of opportunities that I can take advantage of. For instance, I learned of DO-IT from the Internet. I hope DO-IT will help me decide what my career should be and give me an idea of what college will be like. DO-IT will make it easier for me to adjust to college.

Hi, my name is Amy. I will be a SENIOR!!! I have Cerebral Palsy, which is a condition that makes me have poor motor skills, so I fall easily. I am very independent. I have a mom, dad, and a brother named Nick. My family takes in kids from third world countries. We already had three kids, two boys and one girl, living with us. We are going to get another girl from the Philippines soon. I have a service dog, Soffie. She is a 3-year-old Red Merle Australian Shepherd. I do PowerPoint at my youth group. I love to swim. My favorite subjects are math and English. I can do all of my school work on my computer. I can also talk to different people online. I have a CoWriter program that speaks my words. I also have a program called DragonTalk that helps me talk to the computer. It will type whatever I say. After high school, I plan to go to Western Washington University to get a teaching degree. I want to teach at an elementary school.

Hi. My name is Mike, and I will be in the 12th grade. My family name is Irish. I enjoy reading, golf, and playing card games. I am also interested in computer programming, which I am going to learn more about at school this coming year. My favorite subjects are math and Japanese, and even though it can be hard for me to comprehend some of the simpler ideas, I do understand many of the complicated concepts. My goal is to work for Nintendo. DO-IT is helping me prepare for college and campus life.

My name is Sarah. I will be a senior in high school this fall. I am in one of the school choirs. I use an electric wheelchair. My disease (FOP) causes bone to form in muscle. I can't walk because my hips and knees are locked. My arms are also locked, almost in front of my face. I have a service dog that comes with me most places. For high school, the school district provided me with some assistive technology. I use a palm pilot to write essays and for various other work. I have a computer in my room with a special mouse and onscreen keyboard. I use the computer to print the assignments from the palm pilot. I get on the Internet for research, as well as use e-mail and play games. After college, I would like to be a Spanish/English interpreter or translator.

Hello, my name is Brandi. I am 17 years old. I was born completely deaf in my right ear and I can hear slightly in my left ear. I think perhaps deafness is part of heredity in my family. I've participated in the Deaf and Hard of Hearing newsletter at Tyee and in the Deaf Youth Drama Program for three years. Language arts is my favorite school subject for one reason: I absolutely love to read and write. For my career, I've been thinking about becoming a veterinarian. Having access to the Internet helps me keep in touch with my friends who live far away and don't have enough time to sit down and write a real letter. Through DO-IT, I am learning how to use the Internet better, how to understand technology better, and how to use them suitably.

Hi. My name is Trisha. I have three brothers and one sister. My disability is a learning disability. I'm interested in science, engineering, math, history, and technology. In the future, I would like to be a history or science teacher. DO-IT is helping me understand computers better, so that I can use them when I go to college.

My name is Steven. I am going to be a junior. I am hoping to become an architect. I am currently on wheelchair track and basketball teams. I owe a lot of the success that I have had in my life to my family, my dad (Kenny), my mom (Susie), my 23-year-old sister (Lisa), and my 25-year-old brother (Kurt).

My name is Matt, and I go to Clark College in Vancouver, Washington. I have Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, and I use a wheelchair. In my free time I like to play computer games in my bachelor pad, watch movies, surf the net, and make 3D art on the computer. I am a huge fan of Star Trek. I also collect diecast 1:18 scale cars with my uncle. I currently have 35 cars in my collection; my favorite car being a 1948 Woody Wagon. My favorite subject at school is science. I would like a career in computer graphics.

My name is Alicia. I enjoy long-distance running in track. In the summer, I swim on the swim team. I have a SLD (Single Learning Disability) in math. I have found science to be interesting. I like computers. My favorite subject in school is English. I think I would like to go into philosophy, and I am considering a major in literature. I might want to be a counselor. Having a computer and Internet access is really great. The DO-IT program is helping me transition to college. I am learning what is expected and how things will work when I get to college. I want to gain enough knowledge to face the real world. I am making new friends and having a good time!